I'm Kelsey, a photographer

About me

Photography is my passion and also my side gig.

I am not a full time photographer, but I graduated with a degree in Art & Photography and never want to give up being creative. At my day job, I get to collaborate with an amazing team and other freelance creatives to provide free fundraising & marketing products to non-profits who are fighting human trafficking and its root causes.

I'm also a wife and mom! We stay busy by gardening, going on hikes, painting, making messes in the kitchen, and spending precious time with extended family :)

What is REN Inspired? Well, my middle name is Renae. And, REN (rĕn) is a "Confucian virtue denoting the good feeling a virtuous human experiences when being altruistic." I'm a Christian, not a Confucian, but I love this virtue and find it very applicable to how I like to live my life.

I believe in doing good for others. Therefore, 100% of the profits from my photography business goes straight to helping people.


A few of my favorites.

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